The Campfire
For the second DESIGN 6400 Yuxin Yan, Will Yuan, and I created an animated short film. This film relates to my thesis thread through narrative storytelling and 3D production pipeline efficiency techniques.
Final Short Film
Initial Concept
After pairing with Will and Yuxin we went to create our mind map and come up with an idea for a group project. We settled on a 3D animation as that had the most overlap with our interests. I gathered environment lighting reference for our campfire scene. I looked at games and films. I found good results when I searched for western and horror genre reference. Yuxin gathered character reference.
After sharing our references I took over production scheduling and environment modeling. Yuxin did concept art and character design while Will setup a 3D prototype and previs and camera layout.
As I had the most experience with 3D animation I gave technical direction and suggestions for the team. As Yuxin modelled the character I provided draw over notes. Yuxin understood notes really quickly and was able to adapt them easily.
Based on our initial meeting I created a script for Will to follow with camera layout. I drew out a couple rough shots for reference for Will.
As I started modeling assets I tried to stay aware of our style of animation. I also tried to add personality to each of the assets. For the bag I tried to model it with slack so it felt a bit more used. For the tuna I modelled both a closed and open tuna can.
I needed to design the label for the tuna can and gave it blue colors to contrast the mostly orange lit scene. Following class critique I helped Will cut down on the edit so we could have something manageable but cohesive. I also showed him a few edit techniques in Premiere to add shot numbers and frame counts to help with edit notes.
For the tree models I knew we would need a full and filled forest so I experimented with multiple modeling methods for trees. I first modelled a high poly branch with pine needles, twig branches, and pine cones. This was extremely hard to move so I reduced poly count. The end result would be used in a close up shot.
For the next model I used a simple drawn pine needle cluster on a transparent plane. I then duplicated the planes into branches and randomized those across a tree. This tree worked well on its own but when duplicated the Maya scene became heavy. I duplicated it many times in a line and then took a render on a transparent background. This render I then placed on a plane and duplicated that transparent plane. This method of making a forest proved really effective. I was able to combine all three types of trees for various shots., especially with our dark lighting.
For the campfire I worked on the fire simulation. For a previous project in ACCAD 6651 I watched a tutorial for the fireplace fire. The only thing I didn’t like about the fire was that it started from a torus and you could see the original geometry. To solve this problem I thought I could use pieces of log geometry in order to have the fire point of origin from the top of the logs. The test worked out as I had hoped and the fire appeared to have logical starting points on the logs. I then progressed through different settings to try to make the fire look more realistic but still stylized.
For the final push I organized more production scheduling. I also rendered lit and composited majority of shots. Yuxin lit and rendered a few shots, as well.
Below is a composite layout of all the shots to make sure the color grade was consistent and the story was cohesive.